the cfa2 tag
We plow through a lot of websites in search of posting material for carfree ann arbor. In the process we come across a lot of good information, useful resources and interesting blogs that never make the front page. A while back we set up an account on (if you are not familiar with the service, click the link to find out more. It's dead easy and very useful!) to help keep track of our previous web-scouring efforts.
If you are not interested in this topic, or don't even understand what we are talking about, we apologize for the intrusion on your valuable time. There is no need to read this post and we promise that it doesn't represent a general drift of focus for this blog to techno-geek internet babble.
We're making this bit of administrative trivia public in order to:
1) give you an opportunity to see a broader and deeper range of carfree resources
2) provide an easy way for you to contribute your surfing treasures to other carfree ann arborites
There are three tools now at your disposal.
1) We are using the "cfa2" tag in You can search for this tag to find lots of carfree stuff, some of which refers to Ann Arbor. If you have a account, you can also use the cfa2 tag to add your own finds to the knowledge/entertainment base.
2) Our account is "cfa2". Vsiting our homepage is another way to search through the collection of internet carfree junk. This may include some links that don't have a cfa2 tag. You can also submit links to us by using the "for:cfa2" tag when posting new links.
3) The sidebar now has a short list of links recently added to the cfa2 account. It's not central to the mission here, but adds a little spontaneous fun.
We'd like to expand the tagging to include flickr and other services, assuming that there is some intersest from readers. Let us know.
While we're talking web 2.0, in our perusal of the tracking logs, we've noticed a large number of Firefox browsers. That's great! We've recently upgraded to Firefox 2.0 and would recommend it to everyone.
Ok, enough of the tech talk. Back to the regularly scheduled carfree banter.